Wednesday 16 January 2013

The Big C

In the past, when people have asked me about herbal medicines I would advise that for small every day type ailments, there is a herb to help; but if I were to get cancer, I would go to a doctor and trust in modern medicine.  I was very wrong.  In fact, from what I have discovered lately, cancer is an industry and the people who've created this industry also suppress the cure.  It is a hard pill to swallow but it is the truth.  We have all lost people in our lives from cancer, we have seen children suffer, and to think there was a way all along to keep them alive and from further suffering.  Learning this has been really hard for me to deal with, it just does not make sense.  I can't understand why people would make their brothers and sisters suffer to gain a profit.  Do not be the last to learn of this horrific ordeal against human kind.  Chose to educate yourself now so that we can all work together to fix this and put an end to the cancer industry.

"It's all about patents. If a pharmaceutical company can patent and make money from a treatment, especially one that we have to keep on using, then that's what we get, otherwise we don't even here about it... so there's a multi-trillion dollar financial incentive to suppress cures that can't be patented." (Kimberly Carter Gamble, producer, director, co-writer, Thrive)

I get weak in the knees when I consider how much money has been donated to help find the cure for cancer.  Where is this money going?  How stupid do I personally feel for every time I have donated towards cancer research.  How many people have ran in marathons to raise awareness and funds towards the cure, how will this make them feel?  It is so easy for us to hand over a cheque and think we are doing our part but that is lazy, and I am guilty of it.  The only possible thing that I think I can do to help the wrong that has been going on for so long is to share what I have learned in hopes that maybe it will help at least one other person from losing someone to the evil that is cancer, or to stop themselves from creating the cancer in themselves because they just don't know any better.  I will break down for you what I think is the most important and how to start this fight against cancer:

Number 1:  Education

More people are getting cancer then getting cured every day that we sit idly by and chose to not educate ourselves.  The cure is in education and I have set up all the websites and articles that I have found in the last few months to share with you.  You can find them all at the end of this post with a brief description on what each article/website is about.

There are subtle hints all over the place about the cure for cancer and once the seed has been planted into your own brain you will start seeing it.  For example, while watching an episode of Family Guy one evening entitled "the Old Man and the Big C" (Family Guy, Season 11 Episode 3) there was much truth said in jest.  Brian and Stewie find out that Lois' father, Carter, has the cure for cancer:

Brian: Carter, you’ve discovered the holy grail of modern medicine, why the hell would you keep it buried like this?

Carter: I’ll tell you why, because there’s far more money to be made in treating a disease than in curing it. Why cure someone of cancer in a day if we can treat them for a lifetime and bill them every step of the way?

Number 2:  Diet

Many of the foods that we are eating are poison and killing us slowly.

I will be writing in more detail all the dietary changes that I have made lately and that I am continuing to make.  I did not find it to be feasible to just change everything I eat over night, instead I have been making changes little by little so as to not shock my system and to not make life too difficult on myself by setting high standards and feeling like a failure if goals weren't met immediately.  Day by day I am learning more about the best foods to eat and where to find them.  I feel like a proper diet is the first step to obtaining the best quality of life that will keep me strong and healthy until I am old and grey.

Diet is all about prevention and if one wants to be healthy and cancer free you must start before any sign of symptoms and ailments occur.  The choice to prevent cancer starts with what you chose to eat.

Number 3:  Forget Fear

It is time to take the reigns back into your own hands.  Do not fear being in control of your own life and chose to put your livelihood in the hands of others because you feel scared.  Learn for yourself and do not be afraid to stand up and make a difference for yourself and your family.  One of the cures for cancer is cannabis oil, but as we all know, marijuana has been made illegal by the government.  Think for yourself and do not fear something just because the law labeled it a drug.  I am not advocating the use of drugs, but I am urging you to understand who the real "pusher man" is.

These two photos are to make you aware and to question what is really bad for your health and what is destroying livelihood, not to tell you to replace sleeping pills with heroin.  However, marijuana, cannabis, hemp, whatever you want to call it, is Nature and needs to stop being labeled as a drug.  It is a plant, it grows from the Earth and there are so many healing benefits that the government has scared you from learning about by simply labeling it illegal and creating propaganda against a plant that has never ever killed anyone.  Alcohol and cigarettes are totally legal and it is a known fact that they are deadly.  The government lets you have them because they are making tonnes of money from the sale of these narcotics and because it is slowly killing you, thus creating pharmaceutical customers out of you.  Cannabis is illegal because anyone can plant and grow it in their yard and thus the government cannot patent it and tax it.  It is time we stand together.  If everyone were to grow even one plant in their back yard next to the roses, what would the government do?  Arrest us all?  Not only would that help deter crime and drug dealing, but we could all take part in creating a cure for cancer along with the many other environmental benefits that hemp plants are proven to have.

Number 4:  Standing Together

I want to see cancer cured in my life time but I could be put in jail like many others if I even talk about it or try and create something like hemp oil to treat you and your loved ones.  People have got to stand up together and take a stance and take the power back.

This website has a complete breakdown of all the wonderful people who have found alternative ways to cure cancer.  The website also explains many different ways to cure cancer:

These brave people are: 
 Harry Hoxsey
Rene' M Caisse
Massimo Mazzucco
Max Gerson
Rick Simpson
Wilhem Reich

This article exposes the fraud behind cancer research:

Here is a scientific study about how pomegranate can help fight cancer:

The undeniable importance of the amazing ginger:

"Cannabis is Key to Good Health When We Eat it vs. Smoke it":


Soursop may have "10,000 times the cancer fighting properties than chemotherapy":

"Cancer is curable now" A Documentary intended to educate the masses:

Pagan Prayer

May my heart be gentle
my mind still and open
my spirit unshackled
my awareness keen
my conscience clear
my  nature giving

May I be a healing energy
may I be of benefit to all
may my life enrich others
may I know what matters
and live in harmony with Nature


  1. Every day, you continue you inspire me, and fill my life with positivity, warmth, joy, and constructive life-changing advice. I am truly blessed to have such an intelligent, active, and caring friend such as you. Also, all my Christmas goji berries have been eaten, and my little herbie pouch hangs from my bedframe, whisking me away to slumberland each and every night xo

  2. PS: We're coming on 4 years this March, baby.
