I cannot even begin to explain how much sleep is ımperıtıve to my mental well being. I slept for 12 hours last night and I woke up feeling elated; there is an extra skip to my step; I feel like I am on some euphorıc drug. The land looks more wonderful than it has in days. The clouds are more full and the sun so warm. The Spanish countryside is a sight to be seen; fields, hills, rivers, towns, sheep, dogs, cows. My favourıte are the rounded bridges over the small streams. I would love to travel through Spain again but with a car so that I can feel free to stop whenever I please to take a picture of what moves my ınsıdes. Cows drınkıng from ponds, mountains with snow filled tips.
April 20, 2012
April 20, 2012
Sleep is slowing becoming my greatest pleasure of life :)