Monday, 5 November 2012

Remember Remember

"The land of the free?
Whoever told you that is your enemy!"
Rage Against the Machine, Know Your Enemy

Riding a bus to Brampton the other night, I sat in the middle seat at the way back of the bus, you know the seat which enables you to have a clear view of the entire bus and thus everyone in it.  I look around and I see the youth of the community on their iphones and decked out head to toe in name brand that I am not familiar with as I am not up to date on what is considered cool, nor have I ever been.  I have never been a walking brand; I have always been a walking free spirit refusing to take part in the mass deception.  I look at everyone and I think about how most are immigrants; either they came here or their families brought them here with hopes and promises of a better future in the "land of the free".  All I can think of is how they were all lied to.  They were promised a better future in Canada and I don't believe they got it or ever will.  They were convinced to come here so that they can take part in this consumerism culture.  The best way for a company to make a profit is to sell more of that product, the best way to sell more is to sell it to more people.  So bring the people over from all other countries and promise them a chance at a better future.  It was a lie, and if I have any message to give to anyone wanting to come to North America, I would say DO NOT!  People have come here with degrees as doctors and told that their papers are unrecognizable on this here soil.  Kill the spirit, it makes it easier to control it.  I look at everyone on the bus and I think, you and your families, and your families families were lied to.  You were better off staying in whatever country you came from because at least there you had culture, you ate real foods, you weren't subjected to the crap on tv.  Buying name brand clothing does not make you free, it makes you a slave.  Having the latest iphone does not make you free, it makes you a slave to the system.  You are doing exactly what "they" want you to do.  Congratulations.  You are easily manipulated.  Congratulations, people fought and died during the civil war, WWI, WWII, etc. just so that you can turn around and chose to be a slave to corporations.  The thing that boggles my mind most, is how are these kids affording these phones and clothes?  I am 28 and I can't afford an iphone or an ipod.  The answer is this: they can't afford it but they think they can.  The reason they think they can afford it is because they can purchase it on their credit card and pay for it later.  That is not the definition of "afford".  Wise Up Kids!

It is time for the truth.  You are being lied to.  The news, they are lying to you.  Your teachers, they are lying to you.  Your doctors, they are lying to you.  Your government is lying to you.  You have the choice to believe those lies or not.  You think having the latest technology makes you comfortable and happy, then why are you so sad?  How does trying so hard to impress people, to make friends, make you happy?  It's an illusion.  An illusion I saw through at a young age.  A world that now, as an adult who is supposed to be joining into this Matrix by getting married, choosing a career, buying a house, a car, having children, and doing this same thing for the next 50 years, I want absolutely nothing to do with.  I want out.  I chose the red pill.

‎”Music’s at its best when it has a purpose.”
- Eddie Vedder

I have come to the freeing conclusion of making the choice to study towards a new and bright future.  Eddie Vedder says that music is at it's best when it has a purpose and I say Work is at its best when it has a purpose.  I have been working with herbal medicines for over 10 years now; I know a thing or two about herbology but not enough.  I am choosing to become a herbalist.  Since I came to this conclusion, I have been feeling more and more relieved about my future, mainly career-wise.  For the first time in my life I feel that this is the right road for me to journey down.  I want to be able to heal people with what mother nature has given us.  I want to be as connected to the Earth as I can be.  I want to be able to one day leave this society behind and successfully live off the land the way we were meant to live.  I don't want a nice car, a $10,000 ring, 10 pairs of shoes, a condo in the city, I don't want the things I don't need.  I don't want to bring children into this world where they will want to live up to what their friends have.  I want to be healthy, I want to love the best I can, and I want to leave this lifetime a better place than how I found it.
How does it feel to know that your health is for sale?  The Canadian government has been working hand in hand with the pharmaceutical companies for years to convince the public that pharmaceutical medicines are safe and effective in order to obtain a profit.  In school's, students are being lied to by their teachers to help the government and the Big Pharma make a profit on your health (the teacher's don't even know better because the textbooks are manipulated).  This article from Vitality is a must read: "...cancer incidence is predicted to rise by at least 75% by 2030 wherever "westernized lifestyles prevail,"...the more developed the nation, the more cancer its residence develop."  Let me say, this is a hard pill to swallow, I know.  Why would people want to do harm to others so blatantly and effectively?  A few years ago I was at a party and I was having a conversation with a dude who was studying to become a surgeon.  He informed me that his classmates have chosen to become surgeons, not to help people as the Hippocratic Oath would have us believe, but to make a shit tonne of money.  The allure of profit has undoubtedly made it's way into healthcare.  More like healthnocare. I have known these things for years, however I had trouble truly believing it because let's face it, the truth hurts.  I care about my health and I can't ignore these hard facts anymore.  I am not just going to write about it in this blog either, I am actively making changes in my own lifestyle and I will help any one who wants to learn more about natural medicines.  As I study deeper into herbology I would love to be able to treat my family and friends in order to learn more.  I started years ago by treating myself when I was going through a difficult time of anxiety and stress and clouded visions; I mixed some herbs and created what I call my magic medicine.  After a few months I felt better and made positive changes in my life.  I have been continuing to take my magic medicine ever since but it isn't enough to just get by on anymore.  I want to learn more, I want to change more, I want to grow more and I want to share what I know with anyone who cares about quality of life.  "The truth shall set you free":

1 comment:

  1. One's work is most definitely at it's best when it has a purpose
