Tuesday, 10 January 2012

I bought my first train ticket!

I get by with a little help from http://www.seat61.com/London-to-Paris-by-train.htm#Choosing your seat on Eurostar.  Great advice given on this dudes website.  I had originally planned to wait until I got to Europe to start figuring out which planes, trains, and automobiles would be best to take while getting from city to city, country to country; I heard that booking at the actual stations, instead of online, could save me $ by picking up seats that weren't filled yet.  After reading the advice of Mr. Seat61, I learned that it would be best to buy my Eurostar ticket in advance.  The prices really fluctuate and to get the cheapest fare it is best to book early; I did manage to get the cheapest possible fare, WOOP!  So I now have one distinct detail planned on my itinerary!  I will be leaving London on Feb.27th and arriving in Paris about 2 hours later.  I was able to chose my own seat with a lovely window view and a table to rest my elbows on...I reverted back to "oldskool ways" and I picked a seat at the back of the train!  Perhaps that's where the other cool kids will be sitting too?

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